The Haystack Tagging Ontology (HTO) is an OWL ontology for Project Haystack, a domain vocabulary for Building Automation Systems. It is available at:

See the generated documentation for the ontology.


The ontology is (conceptually) divided into three modules:

HTO Overview


Turning Haystack tags into RDF data is quite straightforward: the Haystack entity becomes a RDF resource. Its URI is used as an ID and rdfs:label is used for a textual description. To a tag or a ref corresponds a triple with hto:hasTag or hto:hasRef, respectively. See the example below.

The following tag set (Zinc syntax)

id: @CHU-1-SWT-1
dis: “CHU-1 Temperature Sensor 1”
equipRef: @CHU-1

is equivalent to the following RDF document (Turtle syntax)

@PREFIX rdf  : <>
@PREFIX rdfs : <>
@PREFIX hto  : <>
@PREFIX      : <>

:CHU-1-SWT-1 rdf:type hto:HEntity;
             rdfs:label "CHU-1 Temperature Sensor 1";
             hto:hasTag hto:sensor;
             hto:hasTag hto:temp;
             hto:hasTag hto:discharge;
             hto:hasRef :CHU-1.

All tags from the vocabulary have been mapped to a concept in the domain model so that a transformation is possible between raw Haystack tags and ontological data.

Code for transformation coming soon…

Further reading